Things to be Thankful for....Part 2

Wow, what a happy holiday for me!!! The day after Thanksgiving, my wonderful foster mom took me for a long ride in the car (oh how I love to ride in the car) to visit some folks I had met the weekend before. I really liked meeting them the first time- they have a wonderful yard with big old oak trees...and that means SQUIRRELS! and a really nice house with big windows to let in the sun, and stairs that make a neat noise when I run up and down them. Anyway, the people there were very nice too, and Mom and Dad said they wanted me to come and stay with them. I am not sure I really understood that, but I liked Jeff and his mom and dad, and there were fun toys, and all sorts of things to do, so I was cool with it. So we got there, and mom took me out with everyone in the backyard, and I got to see squirrels right away- can't get much better than that. Jeff's dad and his brother in law had worked into the dark on Thanksgiving to put in a fence to keep me safe at their house. Pretty cool!
Jeff is a great person, who is in a wheelchair and unable to walk for any long period of time due to an accident six years ago. He loves hunting, and dogs, and is home all day with me so that I won't ever be lonely. He has a wonderful daughter, who has always been scared of dogs, until she met me...and now she doesn't want to leave me when she visits! Jeff's sister has two kids, who visit often - I really like kids, they are so gentle! On nice days I get to be hooked up to Jeff's wheelchair and take him for a foster mom thinks I had it in me all the time, and have just been training with her to do this (something about pulling when I wanted to be out front or something...) When I am really good, Jeff's mom gives me a kong filled with chopped apple and peanut butter....Yummy!
How lucky am I, to have been rescued so long ago from the cold farmland in northwest Iowa, and treated so well by so many people that cared for me...the man who took me to the vet and got me healthy, the nice lady named Donna who saw my potential and contacted my foster mom...and my foster family...I will never forget my long time there, and their care and training to prepare me for my forever home....and I know they will always remember me, and be glad that I have such a wonderful new place, with people of my very own, even while they will be a little sad...Mom always said that things happen for a reason....while we can't always see it at first, looking back, it all makes sense.....And now I know it's true.
Pete, it was wonderful knowing you, and I am so glad you are in Iowa, so that I can come and visit you!!! See you next August, if not before that Petey Pie!!! Love, your foster mom
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